Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Taking Stock

I took a mostly lovely overnight ferry ride from Oecussi to Dili last night and will return to Indonesia today. It’s also about the halfway point of my trip and I got to thinking about all the things that I’d like to remember.

I don’t want to forget…

1) the smiling faces
2) the excitement of the people I meet when seeing a foreigner
3) the seemingly endless curiosity of so many of the people
4) the tropical breezes that somehow soften the brutal heat
5) the gorgeous sunset on the ferry ride to Dili
6) the beautiful stars and the chirping frogs
7) how it was so easy to be a photographer with picture-taking being so positively viewed
8) everything being so consistently inexpensive that I never stressed about money
9) how I felt very trusting and never unsafe
10) my joy upon arriving in Oecussi and my sadness when leaving
11) the frustration of not being able to effectively communicate
12) the horror of so many smokers—everywhere!
13) the litter being thrown overboard into the sea
14) all the teeth ruined by chewing beetlenut
15) a world that allows me to travel to 50 countries but keeps others from traveling more than 50 kilometers
16) the time that I’ve had to reflect about life, love, and work
17) how many times on this trip it could have been so much worse

Those are some of the things that I don’t want to forget. And there will be others.

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